Art Fundamentals
Mr. Kulzer

Grid Exercise Logo Duplication

A short lesson on logo design is presented to the class prior to doing this assignment. Some points covered include the use of
  • limited color pallet
  • simplification
  • dynamics/movement
    This will become the introduction to a logo design project in the future but for now we want students to be more aware of how logos are intentionally designed to instantly communicate a message to the viewer.

    Students are to find a logo for a company that they enjoy and print it out. The logo must include at least two colors and have a sense of shading or three-dimensionality.

    After printing the logo of their choice students grid it out with 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch squares, depending on how large the print is. They then grid out their paper in larger squares so that the grid/logo will fill the paper when complete. A sample page with gridded logo is available here. If students don't want to grid their own or can't find a suitable logo, they may simply use this example. Print it out, duplicate the logo, and hand it in.

    1 points -- Color indication through shading
    3 points -- Neat light grid lines and correct use of grid to enlarge logo
    3 points -- Accurate duplication of logo
    3 points -- Use of time

    10 points total.