3-D Manufacturing 2 -- Paper Template Problem

Students are given the a 3-d problem to solve. Sometimes they are to make a prop for Prom, sometimes a part for a play, etc.

Students are to make a mock up of the object using tag board pieces. For instance, if a star is needed for prom, students will need to figure out how to make a 3-d star with tagboard pieces so that when put together they form the desired 3-d shape.

The next assignment will be to produce that object on a life-size scale using materials provided.

Below are the flat shapes used to produce the 3-d star shown above. Note the geometry of the bottom point doesn't quite work.

3 points -- Consistent size of similar parts
4 points -- fit of each part to the next (minimal gaps, undesired overlaps, etc.)
3 points -- Assembled nicely to form the 3-d object.
10 points total