I met Pamela when she came to speak to my LHS art students about college options. I asked if she'd be interested in sitting for a portrait. She was gracious enough to sit for a series of photos, and after a few months, I finally got around to doing a quick sculpture based on her photos. I don't think I captured her likeness as well as I should but for a fast portrait study it's not too bad.
A colleague, Jenna Tanttila, who teaches Art at ACGC High school down the road from Litchfield, approached me about a bobber project for the city of Atwater. We're partnering to write a MN. Legacy Grant to pay for the majority of the costs to produce this public art piece. Tomorrow we'll present our proposal to the Atwater City Council and hopefully get their approval to proceed with the grant writing process.
This project is another exciting public art project akin to the Sanford Hospital and the Camp Grafton murals that our studio was involved with recently. The biggest difference, besides being a completely 3-d artwork, is that much of the sculpting will happen in our studio space.
Tried making a second bust of Abe Lincoln. Look at the 3-14 entry below to see a progress picture. Or click the image at the left to see the finished sculpture. Click here to see the first version I sculpted.
Quinn was three and a half in December. That means I needed to do her 3.5 year portrait. Well, it's finally done and you can see the cute little girl here.
Interested readers may click here to see the rest of our kid's 3 year portraits.
A painting done for a friend this week.
Wanted to see how fast I can sculpt a likeness so I tried duplicating my original Lincoln bust.
4 hours of work went into the white one you see here. Not bad for a speed portrait. It would be much faster if I wasn't worried about making it look like someone specifically.
At this point it's too round. Looks like a fish-eye lens distortion is happening. Nose is too long too. I'm guessing another 4 hours before I'm done sculpting it because I'm going to completely cut away the eye sockets and re-sculpt the eyes. Might have to redo the mouth too when I shorten the nose. And, of course the base needs to be finished. Another hour to hollow it out and another hour for patina after it's fired. I'll keep all of you updated as it progresses. Click the pic for a larger version.
Officer T.A. Burnham gave his life in the line of duty. This bust will be part of a bronze memorial for him.
Click the image to see the work in progress.
Click here to see the project I was working on at Brodin studio and NKC Sculpture.
Neil Brodin asked that I sculpt a Blanchard Magnolia to be used as a decorative element in a memorial to Bea Reid. As always, click the little picture here to see the full image.
A friend wanted a sculpture of his wife and her father's hands, modeled after a picture of them taken before he passed away. The result can be seen here.
Happy Birthday Therese! She's 7 years old today!
Finished the portrait. Check the website for details
Also, if you're reading this, check out Theo's Science fair project. He needs to collect data about the Golden Rectangle before Wednesday Feb, 29. Toss your guess on his little site here: www.kulzerdesign.com/theo/
I'm volunteering at a local sculpture studio, NKC Sculptures, which molds and casts Brodin Sculpture's work as well as refurbishes bronze monuments around the nation. What a great experience it has been already.
The picture here is of a portrait study I'm working on with the studio's oil based clay. It's kinda fun working with this stuff because I don't have to constantly wet it down. Heck, I don't even have to cover it when I walk away for a while. Currently they've been farming out the portrait work to a studio in California for thousands of dollars. I'd like to re-route that money to Kulzer Design studios. --And hopefully this bust will impress them enough to allow that to happen. Check back tomorrow for more progress.
Finally finished sculpting Karen's Christmas gift. Now I have to let it dry a couple weeks and fire it. Come back in February to see the finished patina.
Drove to Sioux Falls yesterday to help Brad install the Sanford Heart Murals. Check them out here:
(Scroll to the bottom of that page and click the "Installation" picture.)
The Sanford Heart Mural is being colored. Check it out here. (Scroll down to the bottom of that page.)
Visit our Christmas website to see and hear a little bit about our family this year:
More progress was made last weekend on the Sanford Heart Hospital clay murals. Check out the latest at the link above.
I'm also working on another sculpture but I can't show the pictures for that one until after 12/25.
And since we're talking about 12/25... I did happen to post a list of fun stuff that our loyal readers might find helpful if they feel it necessary to give gifts to Kulzer Design Studios' principal artist. Click here to see a bunch of things I'd love to have someday.
Lots of progress has been made on the Sanford Heart Hospital clay mural. Another hard weekend of work is scheduled for the weekend of 12/10 so check back again for more!
I guess this blog gets updated about once a month, doesn't it? Two projects are consuming my time now: The Northwoods painting and the Sanford Heart Hospital clay mural. Check out the progress and come back again soon to see more. Even if this blog isn't updated, the pictures usually are.
Happy Halloween! Big deal. I took some time today to clear off one of my camera's memory cards and found some pics of the finished bronze patina Abe bust. They're posted here. The real treat tonight isn't all the candy, it's clicking the link to the larger images of Abe. (make sure you enlarge the downloaded image to full size so you can see the details.)
Started a small painting commission yesterday. I'll be working on this periodically over the course of the next couple weeks between finishing up some pottery commissions that I started a while ago. Keep checking here to see how it's progressing.
Steve Jobs, co-founder and CEO of Apple died today at age 56. I was shocked and saddened when I read the news. Yes, he resigned from Apple a couple months ago for health reasons but one never really expects anything serious until something serious happens.
He did amazing things to make computers accessible to the "regular Joe". Apple Computers were the first to offer a mouse and the "point and click" paradigm that we have all become accustomed to. His company almost single handedly ushered in the era of desktop publishing, making it possible for anyone to produce and print high quality letters, brochures, newspapers and even magazines.
In fact, the computer I'm using right now and the computers I've used to create all of my publications from the old "Knews" letters in 1995 to the current websites have been Macs.
The world has lost one of it's great innovators today. Keep Steve and his family in your prayers.
My grandfather turns 94 today and is the picture of who I want to be like when I'm his age. (He's still taking care of himself, living in the house he built when my mom was a baby, and driving himself where ever he wants to go.) Heck, I hope I can be more like him even now. He's such a kind and generous man. I've always been impressed with his patience, positive attitude and happy demeanor. He's gone through alot. His father died when he was young (meaning he had to help provide for the family at a very young age), he lived through World War 2, he endured his sister and brothers and wife passing on before him.
Maybe the difficulties in life teach a person to appreciate the good things. Maybe someone who lives through hardship is better able to put things in perspective and relish the times when life is not so difficult.
Or maybe my grandfather just has some sort of gene that makes him a genuinely happy, good, and saintly person. I'm afraid that gene hasn't been passed on to me, but maybe through a little conscientious work on my part I can become more like him before my 94th birhtday.
Since school started I've done more school work than anything. But an interesting opportunity came our way in the form of a bleacher backdrop. Mr. Banks and I worked to get a 44 foot long lettering commission done before Homecomming. Since Homecoming is 2 weeks away, I think we succeeded. Click the image to see the whole thing.
Put up some more pics of the Lincoln portrait . Check them out here:
http://www.kulzerdesign.com/art/sculpt/abe/index.html Can you believe it, he's still not finished! Been busy with other things as you can see by previous posts below.
Working on a pricing page here. Many people ask how much "such and such" is so I thought it'd be a good thing to have my prices readily available for interested parties. That and it'll help me remember how much I charge for this stuff. I'll post the address here when the page is further along.
Despite the frantic pace of producing paintings like those below, (Completed 8 of them yesterday alone!) we still took time for some fun. The kids and I have been busy building for the annual Lego Building Contest at the fair. I actually had some competition this year. There were 4 adult entries including mine so that was nice. Despite the competition, I still came home with first place. Click the image at the left to see all the kulzer family's entries.
Yet another example of our fired clay wall paintings. I've actually documented the painting process of this one in pictures. IF I get all these things done and feel like being an educator, I'll post them later. For now, enjoy my very favorite clay wall hanging yet. (I might have to keep this one for myself.)
Another example of our fired clay wall paintings. I like how this one turned out too. When you're doing so many, it's difficult to keep them all looking good so you, dear viewers, will be treated to only the better works of art.
We'll be at the MN Garlic Festival in Hutchinson August 13 with some clay wall hangings similar to the one shown here. Click the small image for a full version. (It will pop up in a new browser window.) I've been working on the backgrounds for the last few weeks and now am finally starting the subject matter. This is the first completed one. But after seeing it in pictures, there are a few little details I'll add before calling it completely finished.
Just updated the "sketchbook" section with a couple more cards I made a while ago. It's about time.
Here's something you don't see every day... A sculpture started in 1997 and finally finished this week. A sculpture 14 years in the making. It has been sitting in my attic for years and I finally decided to finish it off and sell it cheap. If anyone wants it, I'll let it go for $200 just to get it out of my house. Contact me if you're interested.
Been working on another little sculpt this past week. Long ago my dad said I should sculpt a president like Kennedy or Lincoln. I'm finally working on that suggestion. I'm going to leave this sculpture rough and impressionistic. I wanted to do that with the Anticipation sculpt from last week but fell into my usual "smoothing" process and ended up overworking her. She's still rough but not as impressionistic as I had wanted. Funny how I'm totally in control of what I do and yet, "out of control" as I get in the flow.
Just updated the site with my latest work, Anticipation. I entered this work along with Mike's portrait in the "Art on the Plains" exhibit from the Plains Art Museum in Fargo, ND. More info will come when I learn of the acceptance or rejection of the works.
Ya ever wonder why you do what you do? I just pulled a large piece from the kiln. This piece was to be a base for a large sculpture. Countless hours were put into it. It cracked. A very large and possibly irreparable crack. The image here is from before the firing. Stay tuned to see if I can repair the crack...
iPad...can it really be used for work? Maybe. As a test i'm editing this blog
post on an ipad. my wife paid for half of this thing as a birthday gift and I've
been amazed at how many things I can do on it. It is amazingly small and capable!
I can use it to edit my websites and draw. In fact you can
click here to see an example.
I finally got around to finishing a big section to this site, the kids 18 month painted portraits. I've been meaning to get that updated since I redesigned this site in '09. I guess, with 5 kids, there are usually better things to do than work on the computer.
Yesterday I was informed that my Grandma, my Mom's mother, Louise Frank, passed away. (She's the wife of Grandpa Frank who I sculpted last year.) I will always remember when I was little, laying my head in her lap and she would trace my ear with her fingers saying, "There's a little mousey in your ear."
I'll miss those innocent days.
Finally an addition to the artwork section of my website.
It's Lent in the Catholic Church and as such, I thought it fitting that I do some church work: After 4 years of being bothered by the fact that I didn't include Mary in my rendition of the 13th station, I finally took some time to sculpt a small addition. You can see the results here:
I HATE when we change the time. Daylight Savings Time is an antiquated convention that we no longer need. It always screws up our sleep patterns and makes life unnecessarily difficult. It's compounded in our house by having 5 kids whose bodies are still on the old time clock. They they don't want to go to bed and find it difficult getting up for school. Then when we change back in the fall, they wake up way too early.
What logical purpose does the time-change serve anymore? Why can't we just change it a half hour this fall and then leave it as is forever? Or if that's a problem for the rest of the world, let's just standardize our time schedule according to GMT and be done with it.
There you go, my rant for the month.
Death and Dying
Been thinking alot about death and dying. A guy who was close to Karen's age and rode their bus in high school just lost his wife and two boys, 7 and 9 years old, in a car accident this weekend. What a horrible thing to live through. I'd be so grievously sad. How fast a person's life can change. And would he have any regrets? I really need to tickle my kids more often and hug them and enjoy them while they're here and while they're little.
My grandpa and grandma are having some health problems and I heard from others that he said to those others that the end is near for his dear wife, my grandmother. So how difficult is it to know you don't have much time left? How many regrets does a person have? I'd probably have many. I think that no matter how well you live, you'd always have regrets. You'd always wish you could do more or would have done more. So why the heck am I wasting my time typing here? Because it's 10:05 pm and it's probably not advisable to wake my kids just to tell them I love them and then tickle them until they pee.
Live well. Enjoy those close to you. Do what you can while you can. And make sure you have no regrets.
Happy St. Valentine's Day!
Not much artwork going on here. Everything else has been taking priority. One such little thing is Theo's science fair project. It's one thing making up a website but it's quite another teaching a 4th grader to make a website. If any of you have a chance this week, take his little test. Click here.
His project is about what people remember best, audio items or visual items. It was a fun project so far and he's having fun making basic webpages now. (for the record, I did all the PHP coding for the response form. He just typed the code for the main pages.) Maybe I'll be able to post some artwork now. :)
A new year and I can now show the Christmas project that I had to keep secret before December 25. The addition to our Nativity Set this year is a little Drummer boy. Take a look at him here.
When I was little I saw the classic Drummer Boy clay-mation video on TV and I loved the story. I loved how the little drummer boy had no gifts to give but gave what he could; he played his drum for the little baby Jesus. I related to that so much it brought tears to my eyes back then. --And still does now. So as I was trying to think of which piece to add to our nativity set, it became clear that the drummer boy would be the best, most poignant choice.
Click the image here for a quick look. Or click the link above and scroll down on that page to see the finished bronzed patina.
I've been working on Christmas Gifts lately so there aren't alot of updates to this site for fear of giving away a gift or two. But after over a month of nothing new happening here I thought it's time to put something up. So if you're itching to see something new from Kulzer Design Studios, check out our Christmas note for family and friends: Click here.
People always ask what I want. Well, in Art Classes I want lots of good kids making good projects. In my life I want my own kids to be happy and love me despite my flaws. But if you're thinking material possessions, a list can be found by clicking here.
Just posted another picture of Mom's Portrait. The last time I worked on it was thursday, 11/4. I hate leaving a sculpt sit so long between work sessions but I had to do a little presentation at the Art Educator's of MN conference in Rochester this weekend. I got the opportunity to work with the Walker Art Center and develop a few lessons around their exhibition of Alec Soth's photographs. You can see the lessons I talked about on the LHS website, www.lhsart.org
Mom came in and sat next to her sculpture for a while yesterday. It's always necessary to have the subject of your portraits come in and do another sitting before the sculpture is finished. I could have sat there for hours just making little corrections with her posing for me. In the past I thought I could just work from pictures, but when I did Judy's portrait, I learned a valuable lesson. As she looked at the pictures I posted here she said her lips should be fuller. I plumped them up a bit but after delivering the finished sculpture and seeing her in real life again, I found that her lips were much fuller than what I had sculpted them. Check Mary's latest pic. at:
Every portrait goes through a point where I'm really not happy with it. I get frustrated that it's not looking like the sitter. I was going through that phase last week with Mom's portrait. But after working with it a little more today (maybe about an hour or so) I can honestly say I see a striking resemblance between my mom and the sculpture now. FINALLY! Check the pics at:
Started my Mom's portrait bust today. Check the pics at:
Here's the Official Announcement: My Solo show titled, "Timeless" is on display from yesterday until October 25, 2010 at the Ridgewater College Gallery in Hutchinson, MN. Click here:
www.kulzerdesign.com/art/sculpt/ridgegallery/ to see images of the gallery and some of the works.
This month I worked on two paintings to use in the show as well. Majesty and Earth are similar to the "Lent" painting I made this winter. You can see those paintings by clicking here:
www.kulzerdesign.com/art/paint/seasonal/index.html. I thought the gallery would be a little blah with bronze and white busts so the paintings on the wall add a little splash of color.
Drop me a line and let me know what you think.
I've been doing nothing artistic for a while now but thought I should add this year's homecoming banner to my site so I don't forget to do it later.
The thing that has been taking most of my time lately was the new church website. Check that out here: http://www.thechurchofstphilip.org/. Finally that entire site should be compliant with web standards.
And lastly, if you're in Hutchinson during the month of October, be sure to stop by the Ridgewater College gallery and see a collection of my portrait busts and a few paintings. The show will be open during normal business hours through the end of October. An Official announcement will come soon.
Last week the Meeker County fair had a Lego Contest sponsored by Litchfield Lumber Company. There were 3 age groups ranging from 5-adult. I couldn't resist making a model for the contest which you can see here. But Therese Theo and Drew also made some stuff too so check out this page:
www.kulzerdesign.com/art/sculpt/legocastle/index.html for the boys models. (Therese's was taken apart before I got pictures of it.)
Drew took first place in his age group in the "mobile" category. Theo took first in his age group for the "stationary" group. And since I was the only adult, I took first in the 18 plus category.
Even though I'm in the middle of redesigning our church website and should really be working on that right now, I took a little time to update my blog with the pillar I made for our house. (I can't let you loyal readers sit with nothing new to read for a month!) Made it out of clay sections with caulk between to allow for expansion/contraction with the heat and cool of our Minnesota weather.
If you click the image you will see the full pillar and a close up image.
Finally I get back here with a new post. The Camp Grafton Brick mural project is finally installed and finished. Click here (www.kulzerdesign.com/art/sculpt/brick/) to see the building and installation process.
It has been so hot and humid here in Minnesota! Thank God for air conditioning and swimming pools!
Sometimes I wonder why I do pottery. It's always alot of work. But it's fun to be able to make useful art. Remember when I mentioned a big bowl project on 5/26? Well, now you can see what I was talking about. Just added the Teacher Bowl project to this website. Take a look here:
The mural is getting close to completion now. It's 6 feet tall by 14 feet wide. I had serious misgivings about the project at the outset because of all the small detail that needed to be included and the difficulty of carving unfired brick. But thanks to Brad's expert skill and tenacity along with our other helper, Catie, we got through it with flying colors.
I have to brag that I got to sculpt every hand in the mural. Brad was kind enough to let me sculpt the faces on the large figures as well. (He redid the minuteman's face because of some necessary changes to the background and I must say it's a stronger figure because of it. Compare the pictures and you can see the difference.) Click here to see the progress.
I've got to be the luckiest guy in the world! This brick mural project is Brad's but he let me sculpt face and hand of the main figure this weekend! Along with the faces and hands of two other large figures! I've added lots more pictures to our Brick Mural project page. Click here to see the latest.
I'll say one thing about this project, It's a whole lot more fun than the last one. Which can still be seen here: www.lhsart.org/NewFiles/brick/index.html
Lots of projects going on at the same time here. I'm assisting Brad Bachmeier in carving a large brick mural for the Devil's Lake ND. Military base. Click here to take a look.
I've also nearly finished the Inquisitive sculpture too Check that out here: here.
A big bowl project is also in the works and I've finally completed our pillar... Curious??? Come back soon for pics of those projects.
I'm scratching that itch to work with clay again by doing a purely wasteful sculpture of a woman. Wasteful because it serves no purpose and has no buyer so I'm just wasting my time making it. Ohhhh, but it's so very fun to make something three-dimensional again! Click here to take a look.
I've been working on a short animation as an example for my Animation class at LHS. It's not done but this may be as far as it goes because I'm itching to work with clay again. Click here to take a look.
Just posted a new section called "Recent Additions". I keep adding new stuff to the site so I thought I better have an area where people can come to see the most recent stuff... Or stuff that's not so recent if they've happened to be too busy to visit the site every so often. Click here for that page.
My brother wants to sell his house so he asked if I could make up a website for him. If anyone wants a good deal, be sure to visit www.lesueurhome.com and make an offer before someone else snatches up this beautiful dwelling!
I've been working on a little house for my brother. He builds stuff in bottles and wants to try making small houses. If you click here, you can check out the details on a very large version of the picture.
This would have been an easy assignment if I could have just sculpted a house. The problem is that I had to make it in pieces that would fit into the bottle mouth. THAT was difficult! Check back for more pics the house in pieces.
Just posted a drawing I did a while ago.
Done at a time when I was still searching for the perfect woman who became my wife, Karen.
I also just learned how to make an image "blow up" on a webpage using Javascript. Click the image here to see how that works.
Judy's portrait, (www.kulzerdesign.com/art/sculpt/judy/index.html) is finished so recently I've been working on small painted clay wall hangings. You can see the two latest, "Love" and "Kiln Dance", here: www.kulzerdesign.com/art/paint/clay/index.html"
Kiln Dance was painted in a single evening and was made for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts' "Foot in the Door" exhibition. Every 10 years they open a gallery for MN artists to submit ANYTHING they want as long as it fits in a 12 inch cube. I submitted "Welcome Home" 10 years ago but didn't have any small sculptures that weren't broken by our kids at one time or another this year. Thus the painting was entered. It really was a fun to get back into painting after such a long time sculpting.
I don't often show sculptures in the drying process because they look blotchy. But today I will. Check out the progress on Judy's Portrait Bust at this link: www.kulzerdesign.com/art/sculpt/judy/index.html. (Scroll to the bottom of that page for the latest picture.)
Finally a blog update. Christmas is always a busy time and the website gets neglected because I can't post the gifts that are being made or they won't be surprises anymore. Check out our Christmas project here. And as always check out the "New Work" section for our latest portrait of Judy.
Yet another portrait is in progress. Check out the "New Work" section on my website or the direct link here. It's so FUN to see a likeness take shape!

When is it going to quit raining?!!!??? Makes for good weather to work inside on sculptures though. I finished another portrait yesterday and put up the latest pictures on our "New Work" section. After reading through this blog I realized I better provide the permanent links to these things because the New Work section is constantly in flux. Here's the latest portrait's direct address:
You can see another little update under the "New Work" section. Some decorative pumpkins my wife wanted. And I tossed an old cartoon drawing in the "illustration" section too.
Just updated the painting section with some rough painted banners that we do for school. They always end up in the garbage so it's nice to see a couple preserved through the magic of the web.
Haven't completed a serious drawing for a long time. My former student-teacher did a shading lesson last fall using comic book heros that I thought would work nicely into my curriculum. So I'm teaching it now. (Thank you, Mrs. Tanttila!) The lesson can be seen here. And my drawing can be seen in our drop-down "New Work" section on our home page. (or here)
Finally got some painting images up. Now (Again, FINALLY) I have pictures in each section. No where near what I want yet, but I'll keep adding pics as I have time.
Had a minute to format a few pictures so you'll have to check out our pottery page. I've got about 16 more pictures to post, but that'll have to come after I do some illustration work that has been terribly neglected lately.
Notice the new logo in the right hand corner? I just had to spiff it up a bit. The other one was kinda blah. --Or was it elegantly simple? Compare the two here and let me know what you think.
I also want to say, for the record, that sick kids are not fun. And when you have 5, it's even more NOT fun.
We're on Facebook now! If you use Facebook click here
and "befriend" me. I'll tell you the truth, I'm not focusing on the Facebook aspect of things here. I gotta focus on getting this site closer to complete first, but maybe Facebook can help me pull in some extra commissions. We'll see. I'm keeping track of my site statistics to see if it's any benefit.
I finally loaded my new website. Well, what I have done of it. There are so many more images I need to add and most of the pages are totally incomplete, but I'll get there eventually. For now please be patient while I continue to add new content. (and alot of old stuff as well.)
Another bit of work tonight. This site is so much work! I mean, big deal if you wan to put up a site with a few pages of text, but dang, this thing is enormous! If I decide to include everything, I'd have to upload over 500 images. Most of which need to be formatted to fit this site's design. AARGGHHH! Why do I do this to myself??? Crazy. Yeah, Crazy.
Actually, I want my site to be compliant with current web standards and to be able to utilize some new web features like my animated drop down "New Work" section on the home page. So a redesign is necessary. My old site is 5 years old now. ANCIENT in web terms.
Anyway, I should get to work if I want this to get done.
Still haven't decided what my banner should look like. Guess I should just start sketching and see what happens. Wish me luck.
I'm working on this new KDS site at this point. SOOOOOO much to do yet!
Copyright 2009, Kulzer Design Studios